Colorful Hot-air Balloons Flying Over The Mountain

以信詩歌敬拜簡介(Introduction of DFW)

以信詩歌敬拜是一個基督教詩歌音樂事工,由一位熱愛音樂事工的弟兄Edward Lai於2014年創立。本事工透過詩歌創作,讓弟兄姊妹的靈命被神造就和建立,以致一生榮耀主的名。願神的名在全地得著榮耀,願萬民都稱耶穌基督為主!
DFW is a Christian music ministry that glorifies God’s name through hymns production. It was founded by Edward Lai who is a Christian and enthusiastic about music ministry in 2014.

「以信」的意義 (What does DFW means?)

DFW means ‘Daniel Faith Worship’. According to holy bible, Daniel believed in God and was saved from the mouth of lions. DFW also aims at strengthening Christians’ faith towards God by hymns.

「以信」的音樂事工(DFW music ministry)

Edward produces different types of hymns including Cantonese hymns, Mandarin hymns, English hymns, wedding hymns and children hymns. You are welcome to use them in various occasions such as worship, wedding and children worship.

Please subscribe Edward’s Youtube channel to gain the lastest information!


如有任何查詢,歡迎以電郵與Edward Lai弟兄聯絡!
If you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact Edward Lai via email.